Educational Technology

I have often said, “This is the most exciting time to be in education!”

We have the ability to change education forever. For the first time in history, we have the technology and the possibilities to inspire true knowledge in every student. Let’s inspire!

Education is transforming even in the midst of major societal changes.

Though everyone is now using technology in the classroom, it is critical that we ask deeper and harder questions of each other. Like, “What is the vision for adding the use of technology to your classroom?” “What will your students gain from the use of technology?” “Are we using the technology seamlessly so that our students are learning, creating, and changing in ways that were not possible before?” “What possibilities are now available to your students, and how can those possibilities transform their lives?”

My friend, Dr. Letty Batista, has been teaching Computer Science concepts and terminology to her Kindergarten students for over a decade. When asked why she works so hard to integrate Computer Science into her curriculum, she said, “A recent research study said that we only have until 3rd grade before a student decides whether they are interested in Computer Science or not. We are in a time crunch! If I can inspire a few students to improve their lives, learn new skills and change their level of poverty…than it is completely worth it!”