
Kimberleigh Brown has been teaching for over 38 years. Though her first love was to teach dance, she was willing to use her gift of teaching in any subject! Kim has taught Dance, PE, Performing Arts, Technology, Digital Media, Photography, Film, STEAM, Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, PD, Curriculum Development, Digitization of Curriculum, Visible Learning, Coding, Web Design, and so much more!

Being an Apple Distinguished Educator has changed her career! While working diligently to support the K-8 school in Los Gatos, CA that Kim was working at, she began to find other like-minded individuals who were asking all the tough questions of how to integrate technology into our students’ education in ways that were seamless, natural, engaging, enriching, and life changing! We now – today – for the first time in history have the ability to create and reach students never before imagined. SO, why are we still teaching the way we were taught?


