JK Week 32 – C, G, S Butterfly Life Cycle

  1. All Three Letters C, G, S

    1. Do all three leters
  1. Butterfly Life-Cycle

    1. You may have to allow the flash player
    2. Click on Play
    3. Read the directions together
    4. Drag and drop the butterfly stages on the left into the correct spot of the cycle – watch the video transformation
    5. Do this cycle at least 2 times
  1. Easter Animate

    1. Watch this Tutorial
    2. Scroll down to the middle section – no need to login or pay any attention to the adds
    3. Press the play button
    4. Ceate an animation about the story of Easter
    5. Be sure to keep pressing copy frame each time you make a change so your animtion looks like a real stop motion movie
  1. Easter Paint

    1. Paint a picture about Easter