JK Week 33 – J, D, K; Ocean Week 1

  1. Letters J, D, K

    1. Do all three letters
    2. Close the tab to return to this page
  2. Animal Ocean Game

    1. Tap the Arrow to Play
    2. Click on each of the animals, then press the arrow again
    3. Answer the questions
    4. Close the tab to return to this page
  3. Deep Sea Dive

    1. Look at the Sea Turtles and Reptiles
    2. Click on a box to see the pictures
    3. Use the Back Arrow to choose a different box
    4. Close the tab to return to this page
  4. Submarine

    1. Click the submarine
    2. Use the red dots on the left side to learn more about sea life…or use the right screen to scroll, select and go back
    3. Close the tab to return to this page
  5. Letter Match

    1. Tap/Click on Choose a Play Mode
    2. Choose Learn Mode
    3. Click a picture on the top row
    4. Click a letter from the bottom row and see if they match
    5. Have fun making matches
    6. Close the tab to return to this page
  6. Ocean Puzzle

    1. Tap to run Adobe Flash
    2. Choose Allow in the top left corner of your computer
    3. Move the puzzle pieces to create the picture at the top of the page
      1. Remember to start with the corners…look for two straight edges
      2. Find the other straight edges
      3. Fill in the middle
    4. Close the tab to return to this page
  7. Google Experiments MusicLab

    1. Make some music
    2. Start by clicking a couple of boxes
    3. Click the play button (big blue button in the bottom left corner)
    4. The dots at the bottom add drums
    5. Click in different boxes to add rhythm
    6. Want to get rid of a box? No Problem, just click it and it will go away
    7. Have fun making music!