JK Week 37 – M, N, V

  1. Don’t forget to work on your Beautiful V!

  2. Letter of the Week – M, N, V

    1. Do all three letters

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  3. Dino Dig

    1. Tap/Click on Play

    2. Pick a place on the map to start digging

    3. Tap/Click Take Me To The Dig

    4. Grab a tool

      1. If he tells you to use a different tool, it’s because each tool is used for a specific job…but sometimes your mouse is just in the wrong spot, so click around a little bit

        1. The shovel breaks up small rock

        2. The brush wipes away the dirt

        3. The pick axe is for big rocks

    5. Use the tools to uncover all the fossils

    6. Then, try to put the dinosaur back together

      1. Use the Hint button to see which fossil needs to go where

      2. Then, click stick and drag to move the fossil to that place

    7. While we might not agree with the timeline of dinosaurs, we do think it is fun to explore them!

    8. You can tap/click Map to play again (you can choose a different dig site) or close the tab to return to this page

  4. Dino Museum

    1. You may need to scroll down to tap/click Start

    2. Watch the intro video

    3. Then tap/click on the dinosaur you want to help rebuild

    4. Tap and hold on the fossil to see a way to rotate the fossils

    5. Then move the fossils into place (it is like a puzzle)

    6. When you finish one dinosaur, move to the next one until all three dinosaurs are finished

    7. Then, tap the brown arrow to the right

    8. This will take you to another set of dinosaur fossils

    9. Close the tab to return to this page

  5. Dinosaur Station Race

    1. Choose a train

    2. Click on the grass to build track so the train can move

    3. Move toward the clock and the train, but avoid the trees, bushes, and dinosaurs

    4. Close the tab to return to this page

  6. Dinosaur Dive

    1. Tap/Click Play

    2. Watch the intro

    3. Click on a dinosaur to take a practice dive

    4. Choose dinosaurs that will match the goal of the water level

    5. Close the tab to return to this page

  7. MusicLab Song Maker

    1. Make some music

    2. Start by clicking a couple of boxes

    3. Click the play button (big blue button in the bottom left corner)

    4. The dots at the bottom add drums

    5. Click in different boxes to add rhythm

    6. Want to get rid of a box? No Problem, just click it and it will go away

    7. Have fun making music!

    8. Close the tab to return to this page

  8. Alphabet Goop

    1. Tap/Click Start Playing

    2. Click on the spoon

    3. Click, stick and drag the object to the letter it starts with

    4. Click the spoon to get the next object

    5. Close the tab to return to this page

Full Armor of God Video

Looking for more?

Here are some fun Dinosaur Games to play! Enjoy!