JK Week 27 – X, Y, Z; Reptiles and Amphibians

  1.  The Letters X, Y, and Z

    1. Do all three letters, X, Y and Z
    2. Close the tab when you are done to return to this page
  2. Reptiles

    1. Look at the amazing pictures of the reptiles
    2. Practice using the Back Arrow to return to the Reptile main page
    3. Close the tab when you are done to return to this page
  3. Amphibians

    1. Look at the pictures of the two amphibians on this page
    2. Use the back arrow to to return to the Amphibian main page
    3. Close the tab when you are done to return to this page
  4. Dinosaur Bridge?

    1. Press Start
    2. Click, Stick and Drag between the two circles
    3. Count the logs to decide which sets of logs to use
    4. Click, Stick and Drag the logs in place to make the bridge
    5. Play Again if you want to
    6. Close the tab when you are done to return to this page
  5. Fuzz Bugs

    1. Find the Fuzz Bugs pattern
    2. Close the tab when you are done to return to this page
  6. Shapes and Colors

    1. Tap Go
    2. Select Shapes and Colors
    3. Select the 9 grid
    4. Tap on the shape and color as the fuzz bug calls it out
    5. Tap the button if you need to hear the choice again
