JK Week 34 – Oceans Week 2

  1. A, E, I, O, U

    1. Do all three letters

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  2. Letter A Song

    1. Listen to the song

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  3. Letter E Song

    1. Listen to the song

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  4. Letter I Song

    1. Listen to the song

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  5. Letter O Song

    1. Listen to the song

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  6. Letter U Song

    1. Listen to the song

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  7. A Dolphin’s Not A Fish song

    1. Watch the video

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  8. Ocean Habitat

    1. Use the yellow arrow key to look at all the beautiful ocean pictures

    2. Close the tab to return to this page

  9. Counting Fish

    1. Scroll down the page until you have the green box in the middle of the page

    2. Tap/Click on the white arrow

    3. Tap/Click GoCount how many fish you see

    4. Select the number of fish…make sure to count, don’t just guess Close the tab to return to this page

  10. Uppercase Letters

    1. Choose Uppercase

    2. You may need to allow Flash

      1. Click the puzzle in the middle

      2. Choose Allow in the top right of the browser

    3. CHOOSE #2 at the top

    4. Make all the letters

    5. Remember to use the “Big Line Down” pieces first

    6. If you get stuck, you can use the arrow on the left to go back, then use the arrow on the right to return to your current letter

    7. Close the tab to return to this page

  11. Google Experiments MusicLab

    1. Make some musicStart by clicking a couple of boxes

    2. Click the play button (big blue button in the bottom left corner)

    3. The dots at the bottom add drums

    4. Click in different boxes to add rhythm

    5. Want to get rid of a box? No Problem, just click it and it will go away

    6. Have fun making music!

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