Print Disabilities…Be Gone
A practical book that walks students, parents and teachers through how to use an iPad to overcome print disabilities! Find it in Apple Books. An updated version is on the way, but the principles and theories are still the same! This is a great resource for anyone who has Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or any print disability. The iPad can do wonders to help students overcome their obstacles!

iPad Parent Guide vol. 4
This a great set of 5 books that help parents, students and teachers understand how to do everything on an iPad!!! During the summer of 2020, a bunch of us Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) spent two weeks compiling our best short videos that were packed with fabulous “how to’s” and a team of those ADEs put those videos into those 5 volumes of books. We wanted to be a resource to parents who all of a sudden had to be teachers at home along with all their other responsibilities. This was our way of helping families during the COVID-19 Pandemic and supporting the learning needs of every student! I contributed to volume 4, find in Apple Books! Please share these books with all your school families, they are great resources!!!
iPad Parent Guide vol 1, iPad Parent Guide vol 2, iPad Parent Guide vol 3, iPad Parent Guide vol 4, iPad Parent Guide vol 5

Other Publications:
Genius Desk & STEAM…What a Team!
A story of how we developed the Genius Desk of students who helped teachers and students with technology related needs, created video tutorials of how to do common tasks on iPad/iMacs, and ran the entire Weekly STEAM Challenge program at our school.