Did you miss Part 1? No problem…scroll to the bottom of this page for more information and to download a sample piece of art to use during Part 2.
Excellent! You are on your way to becoming an author! Now that we have created some artwork, let’s look at the big picture of how to write an eBook using Pages.
We will focus on a few things in a very short amount of time:
- Write a quick outline
- Learn how to add and format page layouts, images, videos, GIFs, and drawings in Pages
- Add at least two Accessibility Features
- Learn to export the book to an ePUB
- Investigate ways to distribute the books to our students and the community at large
- Find great resources
Recently, Kim Brown has been writing a few different book series. She has been writing a children’s digital book series about her dog, Alaska, who rides on her husband’s motorcycle! It was inspired by all the people who stop them and ask questions about why there is a dog on the back of the motorcycle. Alaska and the Brown Family have been enjoying writing books about all the epic places they get to visit. To learn more about Alaska’s story, check out AlaskasAdventures.net or find Alaska on Instagram: Alaskasmoto.

Kim has also been writing a series of stories about different animals that have been healed at a company called Petlight. Each story highlights the life and injury of the animal, and how the UV light therapy has improved (and sometimes even saved) the life of the animal. Dan at Petlight says that he sees at least one healing miracle each week. So, they are working on telling these amazing stories, so the world can celebrate the miracles too.

Did you miss Part 1 – Become an Author With iPad: Create the Art?
Download Sample Art Images

Download a Sample Art Video
Here is the webpage that has the slide deck for
Part 1 – Become an Author With iPad: Create the Art
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.